Monday, June 29, 2015

Back to the real world!

So, even though emotionally the two weeks I spent at FitRX were difficult, the rest was really pampering for a Mom.  A maid cleaned my room and made my bed, my sheets were changed for me, the towels were always fresh, my meals were all prepared by a chef and I got to watch what I wanted and do what I wanted when I wanted after my days were done.  Yeah-so I had kinda forgotten that home was gonna be waiting for me just as I left it, if not a little worse.  I got the biggest hugs ever from my family BUT (think of the Jaws theme in your head now)-there were stacks of mail, the house was just a messy as I left it, the children fought on the way home from the airport and apparently the maid (haha) forgot to make my bed!!  It was good to be home but for some reason, every time I leave I imagine that some clean fairy will jump into my husbands body and clean everything spotlessly and have a gourmet meal on the table and all the children will sit around me like on Leave it to Beaver and talk about how wonderful life is!!!  HA HA HA!  Never will happen. But, it was nice to be back to my normal.

I made it through the airport with packed snacks!  I answered all the questions I could on the trip to the airport with family.  Got home at about 10 ish and had to make a meal because the flight and times did not all coordinate with my set snack and meal schedule. But-I ate good portions, ate healthy and wasn't starving.  The next morning I got up and ate a good breakfast, ready to go back to work and then the babysitter fell through and I go through it-not happily but quickly and had a great day. I went to Trader Joes and shopped. Went to Wegmans and shopped-got good healthy food and spent what I normally spend a week on groceries-small miracle!  I have a plan for food and I have been following it.  It is definitely harder at home.  I am still learning the carb and protein snack combos for better satisfaction and my eldest daughter has (not so lovingly) described my explanations as very Mr. Rogers Neighborhoody!!!  They keep adding reeses pieces and other chocolate delights to the carb side of my snack chart!  But, I was able to eat my healthier snacks while they ate chocolate chip cookies, not because I was depriving myself, but because I really feel better when I eat and carb/protein mix.  The whole "no chips in the house for a month til I get better control over eating" went out the window on day one when they whipped out chips and salsa BUT I was OK--the rotel was a bit harder but I could have had some if I wanted but I really wanted something else more so I ate it instead.  So it is the food dance I must learn!

Exercise has been good. I have done something everyday. Thirty minutes a day was my first goal and I have well exceeded that.  While we watch shows I have been doing sets of crunches, ab exercises, squats etc during commercials. The kids enjoy it-either doing it with me or laughing at me as I grunt and sweat!! On Sunday, Lucy and I biked to the park, played together and biked back and I played--I was not standing on the sidelines. The kids are loving this improved version of me!  We biked 4 miles today to the grocery store to look for fireworks.  I was not aware of the long distance and did not google map it before I went.  This is my children's second significant bike ride-the first being 2.5 total miles. So yeah-there was a lot of "I can't make it" and " my legs hurt" and then the kids, they were grouchy too! But we did make it and we were super proud and now have fireworks to set off tonight!

So yeah-all in all, it is good to be home.  It is hard getting all the stuff in but I have to do it to make life better for me.....and for my family. My children ate a whole wheat sandwich with sprouts on it today and LIKED it!  They said the sprouts tasted like lettuce and beans!  They ate mac and cheese with spinach in it-well Lucy did.  They love the fruit infused water and they are trying some things they never have before.  I haven't tried Kale yet--don't have high hopes---but ya never know, Right?

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