Friday, November 6, 2015

Life just sucks sometimes....

I think that's what makes it life!!!! So I have gone silent for some time. Mainly trying to figure out how to make this whole "life change" thing work in real life. It is HARD!!! But, no one ever said life would be easy AND the variables are mainly in my control unlike folks dealing with diseases that take control away. 

With all that said, I've had mostly great immediate family is super kids even drink water regularly now!  My husband eats fish every week---tofu is a menu regular and meatless days feel no different than regular days!!! I only drink water and coffee( but only a cup or two a day)!  I exercise almost every day and on the days I don't do formal exercise I take waaaaay more steps than I used to take. I eat the wrong stuff sometimes(-fractured prune coming to the neighborhood =NOT GOOD!!!) but when I overeat it's like 2 whole donuts instead of two bites!!! Like I don't eat the whole dozen--which I easily could!  

This past week has been a hard one for me---life stresses have gotten me out of my routines---fear begins to overcome I gonna go back to how I used to be??? I have always stopped doing what's right related to eating and exercise and that fear is always there. But, it feels a little different this time. I'm not on a diet so I can't stop it, I'd have to stop all the changes I've made...that may be harder than just moving forward.  I think part of it is depression rearing its ugly head. As the weather gets cooler, less sunshine and earlier sun down, a gloom sometimes sets over me. Mix that with normal life stress and depression makes you feel like the bottom of the world is dropping out. I know it isn't in my brain,but my heart feels the pain as if it is.  

Just wanted to get all that outta my head.  Love someone today who needs love, show grace to a mom who has a tough kid to raise, forgive someone who doesn't deserve to be forgiven AND most of all, love the person you are----warts and all!!!

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