Thursday, June 11, 2015

Being the patient is hard.


The organic farm!

I feel super tired tonight so this wont be a long entry.  I realized a big part of the "not fitting in" and "not belonging" was really that I am not used to being in the role of being helped. I am the clinician not the patient. It feels funny to sit in a group and not be the leader or facilitator.  It makes it a little hard and honestly, it is a little humbling.  I don't want to be the one with a problem. I want to feel like I have it all together-that I don't need help-and I can do it on my own.  Guess what-I have a problem and I need help and I can't do it on my own. I have been trying it that way my whole life.  I need help and I want help and I think I can get that help here.

I do wish that I could see people's heart's first thing when I saw them. If size and color and gender could all be invisible and you could just see someone's heart and what they were feeling and who they were.  All those things that define us that should not define us.  It gives us preconceived notions of people and I fall into that trap too. I like to be open minded and fair and genuine but sometimes my mind falls into the trap of assumptions and stereotypes.

I learned today that a larger percentage of  kids in disadvantaged areas are obese, often due to poor food choices based on location and finances.  The organic farm pictured above provides fresh vegetables to distressed areas but also helps to teach kids how to eat better and how to grow their own food.  It was a neat fieldtrip and I love plants so seeing how they grow them with no pesticides and with natural plants that repel or attract the right kinds of insects was super cool.

Long day- ready for bed.  More learning and workouts tomorrow. I think I'm ready.

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