Saturday, January 31, 2015

10 lbs and lots of better choices!

I'm down 10 lbs. I'm happy BUT I'm happier because I have really made some good choices this month. 
1. I tried and joined a gym. ( Some may not agree with this being a good choice BUT I joined with my daughter and got a deal I can live with!)
2.  I realized I can lose weight and not be on a diet. I just ate good food, made better choices, cut out a lot of junk and drank a lot of water!  ( I even had a five guys burger one night- went out to eat several times- just made better---and smaller choices!)
3.  I agreed to do a 5k.  (Yes- it is the Annapolis beer run, but I figured there has got to be some running in there with the drinking!)
4. I made some time for me. ( not a lot I still have to work on it BUT I went to the gym, got a haircut, new makeup and the kids lived through it!) 
I have 11 months to go to reach my goal but I feel like I'm well on my way!

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