Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 3-I'm hungry!

So I can count on no hands the number of times I have been hungry in the past 8 years....literally..... I never and last night and tonight I am hungry. I'm ok with it because I need to be a little hungry to remember what it feels like.  Tummy grumbling is the least of my concern. I just got back from two days in the car with my kids (6,8 and 22 years) and my dog. My husband got to drive the other car filled with my daughters college items that we transported back from college as she is moving home with us.  16 hours in a car over two days and then an overnite stay in the Quality Inn that proved to be just about as unquality as you can imagine, made me quite tired tonight.  Still not sure if that mirror acting as a headboard was a two way mirror or not....I didnt chance it...I put my daughter on that side of the room! Here's to Hampton Inns for the rest of my life!  Two days in a car with kids makes you think of a lot of things-like when my daughter told me 80 times in a row (loudly and with a voice that is reminiscent of a fire truck siren) "I'm HUNGRY!"  At 6 years old do they think you dont hear them?  Do they think you can make food appear out of thin air or do they think that if they yell loud enough GOD himself may come down and give them chicken nuggets!!! I dont know, but between that, my son deciding to go on a hunger strike ( because I made the mistake of buying him grilled chicken nuggets and fruit at Chic-fil-a instead of his regular nuggets and fries) and the amount of times my oldest daughter changed the radio station right in the middle of my rockin' 80s tune, I was so ready to get out of the drivers seat I thought I might just die!  I am so ready for MY bed and am going there soon!  So day 3 down-362 to go!!

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