Thursday, January 22, 2015

Rejection Hurts

Thought a lot about rejection today. Not sure why....maybe because I'm journeying to better myself and thinking about where in the past I felt bad about who I was. Whatever it was, I realized that I was really only rejected for a short time in my life and all before age 13. Well, not that I've never been rejected after that but the most painful rejections were when I was really young. Starting a new school in first grade and being called "moon man". Then continually being ridiculed about being fat and loud and ugly. Thinking back now it wasn't a lot of people but the ones who spoke did so loudly and often. I looked up the biggest bully of all who made it his job to make me miserable and he's a sheriff in a small town near my hometown now. Weird thinking back...even at home I was ridiculed by one of my brothers...I often felt like I couldnt escape the words and meaness. I'm 41 now and even though I've worked through the torment of this and totally reconciled with my brother, I still feel the pain of my little girl self sometimes. Rejection is hard for anyone ...I get that....but it's still hard for me to get how comments said by dumb kids made me feel ugly and fat for years and years. Really until the last ten years. So today as I'm thinking about it I am so glad to be in my 40's. I am so glad to not have to deal with adolescence and teenage years again!!! I am so glad that I am ok with me and ok with being who I am....well....most of the time.</p>

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