Thursday, January 22, 2015

New Years Day: The Beginning

I'm 41. I've yoyo dieted all my life. I want to get it off and keep it off. I jogged once, I even did one 5k....then I got pregnant (8 years ago).  Then I had another baby two years later and honestly got tired of the weight fight so I gave in bigtime!  So now, my outlook has changed....I don't want to get skinny to wear a bikini or to look good for somebody else, I want to get healthy ---I've already found happy! I'm ok with me, finally after 41 years, I'm starting to figure that out!  I want to write this cuz I've got stuff to say and I want a place to say it! So join me on this journey of health and discovery!!!! 

Btw----I did not start off the day well- sausage balls and monkey bread----dang it. I'm traveling. Why is it so hard to push away the plate!!!!!!???


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