Thursday, January 22, 2015

Learning About Me

I'm at day 10. I have learned this week that 1.  you can buy single serving almonds( and they are quite filling) 2.  I like spa gyms not stinky ones 3.  I can eat a single plate of food and be satisfied 4.  I can resist eating the entire platter of 7 layer dip. I only recently began to learn things about me.  Well, things about what I liked and didn't like etc.  See I got pregnant at 17 and my world suddenly became less about music and fashion and movie stars and finding myself and more about figuring out how to make life work.  At 22 I had a 5 year old and was trying to figure out how to go to school, make ends meet, and how to stay married.  Not that I regret it....I dont. Would I have done it differently, sure BUT, (and that's a big but) I learned a lot about the inner me-that I was tough, could figure out how to get a job and work pregnant, how to love someone and how to put others first BUT(another big one)- in the process I forgot about nurturing me. I forgot to read, and play, and write and dream and be. See, I was working so hard to make a life that I forgot to live.  It took me til about 35 to realize I didn't have a me anymore.  So since then, with many relapses, I have been trying to figure out who I am! Seems like that should be easy but it really took me until then to realize that my personal traits were ok and that was me!  I'm still learning every day but I know that I'm never to old to learn about me and try to take more time to figure ME out!

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