Thursday, January 22, 2015

I Found a Dent!

I felt a dent !!! In my side that I have not felt in awhile ! I was putting on my clothes and I just felt like something was different as I pulled my shirt over!  There is a new dent where my waist used to be!!  Here it is on Day 14 and I have made myself a new dent.  I even told my 6 year old girl about it.  I made her touch my new dent and she smiled and said “Yeah, I feel it.” I don’t think she really did and she was looking at me kinda crazy just talking about dents but she knew I was excited and she went along.  Confession:  I weighed.  I didn’t want to but the scale was sitting there and I have been eating so much better and well—3lbs!!!!!!!  And I haven’t even gone to the gym yet.  This is exciting to me.  I know three pounds is not a lot and frankly when I was doing Weight watchers I lost 12 lbs the first week BUT I never was able to keep it off.  I just got tired of counting calories or points or eating portions the size of my index finger.  Lifestyle—I have to change my lifestyle---it has to be forever—I don’t have that much time left on the earth and I want to make it count.  Even if I live to be 97, I only have 56 years left. That is quick-blink and it is GONE.  I’ve still got a lot of stuff to do. I haven’t even quite figured out what I want to be when I grow up. I need TIME!!!!!!

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