Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 2

Sooooo....I made some better choices today and drank lots of water.  Knowing I had to write something helped me stay on track.  In other news....being with family and then leaving is so bittersweet. I'm number 5 out of six kids...I still feel like the little kid at reunions no matter how old I am. I'm blessed to have a family who really wants to be together...all 28 of us.  It's the only place where I can truly be me....I am loud, don't have enough of a filter, wear pjs without a bra, eat and drink what i want and only OCCASIONALLY feel judged! Our kids are all growing up and my oldest -22- teases us about our parenting just like I used to do with my brothers and sister about our parents! Stories... So many stories... A legacy....

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