Saturday, January 31, 2015
10 lbs and lots of better choices!
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
3 workouts since Friday!!!!
Monday, January 26, 2015
Packages in the mail
Friday, January 23, 2015
I did it!!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2015
9 days til gym membership
Day 18 and I'm Not Hungry
I Found a Dent!
Learning About Me
Days 6 and 7-Stinky Gold's Gym
Tonight was my appointment at the gym. I DID NOT want to go. The kids went into school two hours late which means I went to work 2 hours late which meant I didn't get home til 730 which meant after bedtime it was 1000 BUT damn it, I was going. Oh did I mention it was 12 degrees outside. So my daughter and I froze our buns off in the there at tenish and got the tour and the spiel. Impressions: 1. This gym stinks. I mean can't someone clean occasionally.... 2. Do you really need 4000 cardio machines? Overwhelmed much? 3. And really did you need to explain how you have 2 of every 50lb and up free I look like I need that? 4. It was a maze and I felt like a large oversized and overaged mouse. Really it was two levels and huge! I don't know how to use most of the equipment and a year contract was scary. He said, "we are a real gym. You come here because you want to feel like you are here to work. We aren't like the spa gyms." Uhhhh, my daughter and I decided we want the spa gym.....LA Fitness, here I come.
Been eating good. Bought some single serve almond packs to make it through the afternoon. I'm not hungry today at all! I can do this!
Skinny Meal
Rejection Hurts
Day 3-I'm hungry!
Day 2
New Years Day: The Beginning

Btw----I did not start off the day well- sausage balls and monkey bread----dang it. I'm traveling. Why is it so hard to push away the plate!!!!!!???