Yes me!! I did 30 laps in the pool today. Yesterday I did 20. And yes, I think it's like 68 laps makes a mile BUT I did it. And bad/good news. Bad news- only went to gym twice last week. Good news: I went to playground with my 6 year old -we lovingly refer to as Goose-and we played for couple hours. And by played I don't mean sat on a bench and watched her, I actually played! I walked on the small balance beams and did yoga poses while she did monkey bars. I threw the frisbee and ran to see who could get it first. I ran at the dog park with my dog (ok she's 13 I didn't have to run too fast!) but I moved. I built it in to the life I have. I was walking out the door to go to the gym when Goose asked me if I would go to the park. How could I say no- the weather was beautiful and she wanted to play.
Guilt- a big reason I don't take care of me. I feel guilt if I don't work enough. Guilt if I don't spend enough time with my kiddos. Guilt for buying something I need. Guilt for buying something I don't need. Guilt for getting my hair done or spending time on my own. I know I need these things. I know I need time for me but I've spent such a large part of my life making sure I "made it" and taking care of others that I haven't learned to take care of me. I have to diligently strive to take time for me. It's ok. It's ok. It's ok. It's ok.
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