Saturday, April 18, 2015

Didn't want to get on the scale! Eek!

I didn't want to get on the scale. I don't weigh too often but I felt that I hadn't done a great job of making good choices this week. I didn't go crazy or anything but I didn't plan as well and more than once I ate whatever I could get my hands on when I came in the house. This included home made sugar cookies, leftover steak, grilled corn on the cob, leftover roast and potatoes etc etc etc.   and when I was hungry I ate but I felt like I ate more than I needed. I did eat more than I needed.  The good part is, I'm moving more, even when I ate a lot I ate less for the next meal, and I drank lots of the scale did not see an increase! Down a solid 19 pounds now. I'm being more mindful this week and trying to get in extra exercise!  And I got on the scale because I figured either way, I had to know and make adjustments!!!! Keep moving matter what!

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